Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day Thirty-Seven - When Things Go Right

First and foremost always listen to that little voice inside your head. When you do wonderful thing happen and such happened for me tonight. My plan all along was to go photograph, I was able to capture a silhouette of my birch tree this morning, so I was all ready for tonight. Tonight, however was not ready for me. I drove to places that I feel myself at and nothing, there was nothing that I wanted to photograph. I decided I would go home and see what the mountains around my home might give. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this tree, three trees group as one against this amazing sky.  I drive by this spot all the time, but this time it was like the trees called my name. 

So once this happened I thought I would give other places a second chance. It was a brilliant evening,  the sky was outstanding and things just went nicely. It was great to have my camera in my hand and my feet in the sand. I forget sometimes that it good to just get lost in that moment; a setting sun and waves crashing. You even get to see moments like this. 

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