Today, the artists selected to be part of this wonderful show gathered together to show our progress. It was a great afternoon! There was so much talent in this little classroom and this show is going to show the strength of us artists! It really takes that - strength. You are pushing yourself, even if it is a medium you are familiar with or something completely new. It's your strength that gets your creativity flowing, that strength that keeps you moving and that strength that helps you know you are doing it all right.
This isn't an idea for my series, but it was a little something I was working on and was not happy with. It's 2x2 in size and when I tossed it away I was fine with it. Though today I was going through my papers to recycle and found it amongst the scraps and instantly felt it was perfect. It's those moments that I find some sense of strength. I really don't know why but today it was right.
That's what this 50/50 journey is taking me. Expect to be surprised by something daily!
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